
Organization UCSB Triathlon
Account 3771330
Event Collegiate National Championships
Location Tempe, AZ

The (club) UCSB Triathlon team receives negligible funding compared to NCAA sports. Each year we have the opportunity to bring twenty highly talented athletes (10 men and 10 women) to compete at USAT Collegiate Nationals. In a field of 2,000 other athletes, we have consistently scored in the top 10 since the race's inception in 2005. The cost (including entry, gas, and lodging) per athlete is very high, and outside funding often determines how many athletes are able to participate.

Start Date
End Date

Budget Items

Item Cost Request
Collegiate National Championships60003000

Funding Sources

Source Amount Equip. Name Email

Organization Lead
Laura Cadwell, Co-President

Event Lead
Laura Laubacher, Treasurer

02/05/2014, $1135

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