Questions to Prepare for

Questions finance and business members ask presenters a lot

Q: Have you sought any alternative sources of funding?

A: We recommend that you reach out to BCUs and ask for funding from there as well, especially if your event aligns with their mission statement. We do not necessitate that you be successful in getting an alternative source of funding, but we do require that you make an attempt.


Q: Do all of your utensils and other serving materials comply by the AS Zero Waste Committee’s standards?

A: We recommend that you get your utensils and serving materials from the AS Zero Waste Committee.


Q: Is your event open to the public?

A: We require that your event is open to all UCSB students.


Q: How have you been advertising your event?

A: We recommend that you advertise your event through Facebook, Listserv, posters, speaking to many people, and any way to make your event known.


Q: Is there an entrance fee to your event?

A: Events funded by AS cannot have an entrance fee unless the money is being donated to a charity.


Q: How many people will be attending the event?

A: The number of people attending goes into consideration by the board and will affect how much funding is allocated.


Q: Is there a vegetarian option if you are giving out food during the event?

A: If the event has more than 30 people attending, a vegetarian option must be offered. The vegetarian option must be similar in quality to the non-vegetarian option. Further explanations can be asked for during finance officers’ office hours or in the AS Administrative Office.


Q: Does your t-shirt have a social awareness message?
A: The Finance and Business board does not fund t-shirts unless they are for an awareness campaign. Awareness campaigns are defined as events that brings knowledge of, understanding of, or recognition of an issue directly related to the organization.


Q: Tell us more about your event?
A: The Finance and Business board takes many things into consideration when deciding how much funding your organisation will receive. Because of this, please anticipate questions on your event and be prepared to answer. Not being able to answer important questions about your event may negatively affect the amount you will be funded.