Charge of the Committee
AS Finance Committee is an Administrative Committee under the Office of the Internal Vice President. ASFB serves the UC Santa Barbara student body by facilitating the financial allocation of student fees. By streamlining the budgetary process to outreaching to student organizations, the committee seeks to make funds easier to access. We make it possible to host programs, events, and other student expenditures and we are constantly looking for ways to improve and grow.
What We Do!
Each quarter, every UCSB undergraduate pays a fee of around $230 to the Associated Students. This fee supports a wide variety of operations of Associated Students that benefit the students of UCSB, the campus, and the surrounding community. The charge of the AS Finance and Business Committee is to help registered student organizations put on successful events, provide necessary student services, hold conferences, and fund championship aspiring teams through the procurement of funds.
Click on this link to sign up for upcoming Authorized Signer Workshops!

An introduction to UCSB AS Financial Policy and Proceduress

An abbreviated version of the complete AS Financial Policies and Procedures

For processing Reimbursements and Purchase Orders
The Finance Committee meets every Monday at 4 PM PST (except holidays & Week 10). The 3/3 meeting will take place in the Pardall Center.
- Register on Fluxx, our funding request platform, create your profile, and request to be connected to your organization here:
- $250 Startup Applications and the F&B Funding Applications are both on Fluxx.
- Fill out all applicable and required fields in the Finance and Business funding request application.
- Submit your funding request before Sunday at 4pm if you want to be on the agenda for the next F&B meeting.
- After submitting your request, send an informed representative to our meeting to present your funding request (not for $250 startups).
- If your group submitted a request by the deadline, you will present during our next meeting. No shows will result in the tabling of the funding request.
- We do not meet during Week 10 or any Monday holidays.
- You may be asked questions after presenting, so be prepared and well informed of your event and budget.
Fluxx Registration
For instructions on how to complete your registration, download our guide below!